Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Field of Flowers

I gave away the power of responsibility
Documents placing me guilty
I landed in an unexpected field of flowers
The soil was cold
Air reeked of putrid roots
Authoritative figures taking the place of black crows
Making rounds watering patches with scold
I squatted low to behold my surroundings
Hid my belongings so that they wouldn't resort in someones foundings
Finding reasons to examine every flower
I'm lost; I inwardly confess
So I exercise mental notations as my compass
I watched as swayed lillies, lilacs, and roses put on what seemed to be a parade
I interacted just to rid the charades
They all lacked fertilization
I should've brought oxygen just so they could keep their flowered state and
The more they swayed it was like I couldn't relate
So I went patch to patch
Each flower; I shook
Words trickled down stems somewhat formatted like hymns
It made me take a closer look
"My name is Lilly"
"How'd I get here"
"I was on my way to Philly when he..Well"
"He said I was plenty"
"My family got displaced, a hurricane, I know that they miss me"
"I had to pack light but a bible stays with me"
I took the leaf of a lilac
It was already purple and blue
It read "On my way here I bumped a couple of doors or two"
"Getting bruised and misused"
"To me it's nothing new"
"It feels good to take the anger out on other people"
"Counseling and church got suggested"
"But I can't remember the last time I even saw a steeple"
"My language is profane and my attitude is cold"
"The things I've been through I deserved it ten fold"
What really caught my attention was the rose
The sun hadn't been out but it's red hue was brightly exposed
Quiet was kept until it read
"I'll never regret the life that I've chosen to live"
"I finally realized that I didn't need to swallow the entire bottle of pills"
"And guy after guy was used just for the thrill"
"Now I'm stuck with this illness and my life hasn't been fulfilled"
"I have to remain medicated but can't hold down a meal"
"How did I get here you ask"
"I'll keep it real"
"I was in love with his unprotected sex"
"I'll admit that I remained blind due to the amount of his check"
"The results of my check-up wasn't what I expected"
"So I put flames to him inside my home"
"And my opportunities, goals, and aspirations; I just left it"
It took a minute for their situations to soak in
I re-evaluated my situation and how petty my tears have been
Those flowers fell victim to self enemy
So I felt as if I was placed in that field of flowers just to give a positive message
All the while, by the most high, my faith was being tested
I let each flower know that life doesn't have to end
But from that day forward, a new one should begin
I was a blessing to someone
And as for me, a clearer outlook on religion has just begun
